
Entry poa-
Part of speech morphological form of poaka

Entry poa
Part of speech interjection [full list]
Explanations in Malagasy Teny enti-milaza ny feo heno rehefa mandrehoka [1.1]
Explanations in English An interjection of dislike accompanied by spitting [1.2]
Explanations in French Exprime le bruit fait en crachant [1.3]
Examples Dia mandrora izy hoe: "Poa!" [2.69]

Entry poa
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy Teny voateny raha misy zavatra ratsy maharikoriko, zava-tsy tiana na mahasosotra: Poa! ataoko inona akory iny!
Teny voateny raha maharay zava-maloto ny zaza, ka asaina ariany io voarainy io: Poa! maloto iny fa ario! [1.1]
Explanations in French Terme de mépris: fi! fi donc! [1.3]
Examples Poa toy izay anefa, injay. [2.445]
Synonyms poapoa

Entry Poa
Part of speech name (biblical) [full list]
Explanations in English Puah [2.996]
Explanations in French Pua [2.996]
Synonyms Foà

Updated on 2023/11/24